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Assist Analytics: Board o' Help Data

This project involved creating a website that showcased the analysis of data collected through the 'Board o' Help' (BOH) in HackBerry Lab. The BOH is an online platform that allows students to submit requests for assistance, detailing their location within the lab, the type of help they need, and a description of their issue. It facilitates communication between students and the lab assistants or teaching assistants (TAs), ensuring that help is provided efficiently and effectively. By analyzing this data, patterns can be identified in the types of assistance requested, peak times for help requests, and areas within the lab where students encounter the most challenges.

This website serves as a tool for transparency and continuous improvement. The analysis was conducted over Fall 2022 and Spring 2023, It hopes to allow lab administrators, lab assistants, TAs, and students alike to better understand how the lab operates and where improvements can be made. The analysis focused on key questions that can help inform decisions to enhance the lab experience for all users. The tool can be used throughout later years. The objective is to allow data-driven insights to continuously improve the HackBerry Lab learning environment.
Data Visualizations:
To begin exploring this data, 14 key questions were developed to help guide the information visualization process. The questions were then split up into three question groups to help make the website more navigable. These were the questions:​​​​​​​
The following charts were created to begin breaking these questions down and answering them:
The charts were then analyzed to come up with actionable recommendations to the lab. These recommendations are:
Assist Analytics: Board o' Help Data


Assist Analytics: Board o' Help Data
